The Scrutinizers
A peer-learning and research group
The Scrutinizers is a peer-learning and research group that started in October, 2013. The group emerged in an unstructured way. Individuals who met at doctoral seminars, and others who participated in the membership-controlled Consumer Culture Theory (CCT ) Facebook group, initiated a formal study group to learn about the CCT field, discuss current and classic CCT research papers, and expand knowledge of theory and methods in order to publish in high-quality marketing journals. Using digital communication tools and a rotating leadership schedule, the group regularly and systematically analyzes CCT research that has been published in prominent journals. Analysis typically concludes with a virtual meeting with papers’ authors, who are invited to share their experiences conducting and publishing the research.
The group has a formal but somewhat fluid membership, but does not have a formalized approach to membership application and approval. Group composition has remained the same since December, 2015. The members are geographically dispersed across five continents and work in institutional contexts that are distinguished by differing degrees of research intensity, resource access, acceptance of different paradigmatic traditions, and proximity to other CCT scholars. In addition, members have different mobility trajectories and have been socialized, during graduate school, in institutional environments that vary with regard to their orientation vis-à-vis the field.
To access our research, see Our Research
For workshops and other resources see Workshops and Resources
To learn about our work on mitigating academic isolation, see Academic Isolation
Group members
University of Sfax, Tunisia
University of Ottawa, Canada
Europa-Universität Viadrina, Germany
University of Bath School of Management, United Kingdom
Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), Brazil and Nova IMS, Portugal
The University of Essex, United Kingdom
RMIT University, Australia
Oregon State University, United States
The University of Melbourne, Australia
Birkbeck University of London, United Kingdom
Suffolk University, United States